Skill-Based Apps for Developing Emotional Awareness

I sometimes work with individuals who can’t put words to their feelings or can’t understand the emotional responses of others. It’s not that they don’t want to—it’s more that they don’t know how. The clinical term for this experience is alexithymia, which is defined as the inability to recognize emotions and their subtleties. The word […]
Is Emotional Outsourcing the Future of Our Relationships?

Imagine having a funny yet inspiring late-night conversation with someone who just gets you. They ask thoughtful questions, remember details about your day, and send you a message to wish you good night and a virtual hug that makes you feel warm, fuzzy, and appreciated. Let’s zoom back and consider that this special someone is […]
Emotional Intelligence vs. Being Emotional

In recent years, “Emotional intelligence” has become a buzzword in conversations about Self-awareness, communication, and personal growth. However, despite the term’s growing popularity, a widespread misunderstanding remains: Many people equate Emotional intelligence with being emotional. While both involve emotions, they are vastly different concepts. This confusion can lead to misconceptions about what it means to […]
How I Found Emotional Freedom and 3 Unexpected Benefits

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ~Maya Angelou What if the person you’re trying hardest to please is you? For years, I wore a mask—a professional, composed, always-on version of myself that I thought everyone expected. My need to please […]
How to Turn Shame into Self-Love and Emotional Resilience

“The less we talk about shame, the more control it has over our lives.” ~Brené Brown The pain and suffering I experienced as a child, which I kept hidden for over a decade, was the very seed that gave me the strength, resilience, empathy, authenticity, and courage that I possess today—but only because I surrendered […]