
The Rise of Cosmetic Surgery in the Social Media Era

Recent studies reveal that 70% of young adult women and 60% of young adult men are unhappy with their bodies. This troubling statistic coincides with the increasing normalization and availability of cosmetic surgery. In 2023 alone, Canadians underwent 35 million aesthetic procedures—a staggering 40% increase from four years prior. But what’s fueling this sharp rise? […]

Are Therapists Behind the Rise in Family Estrangements?

Source: SHVETS / Pexels As family estrangement gets more media attention, some have suggested that therapists are causing—or at least encouraging—many of these family cutoffs. This criticism has been made of adult children’s therapists by the media (see Barry, 2024), estranged parents, and their therapists and advocates. Yet while it’s true that some adults decide […]